// C main line
#include // part specific constants and macros
#include "PSoCAPI.h" // PSoC API definitions for all User Modules
#include "DualADC8.h"
BYTE abMouseData[4] = {0,0,0,0};
void main()
/*adc initialisation*/
char cResult1, cResult2;
char cResult1_prev, cResult2_prev;
M8C_EnableGInt; // Enable global interrupts
DUALADC8_Start(DUALADC8_HIGHPOWER); // Turn on Analog section
DUALADC8_SetCalcTime(100); // Set CalcTime to 100
DUALADC8_GetSamples(); // Start ADC
/*usb initialisation*/
M8C_EnableGInt; //Enable Global Interrupts
USBFS_Start(0, USB_5V_OPERATION); //Start USBFS Operation using device 0
//and with 5V operation
while(!USBFS_bGetConfiguration()); //Wait for Device to enumerate
//Enumeration is completed load endpoint 1. Do not toggle the first time
USBFS_LoadInEP(1, abMouseData, 3, USB_NO_TOGGLE);
/*lcd initialisation*/
while(!USBFS_bGetEPAckState(1)); //Wait for ACK before loading data
//ACK has occurred, load the endpoint and toggle the data bit
USBFS_LoadInEP(1, abMouseData, 3, USB_TOGGLE);
while(DUALADC8_fIsDataAvailable == 0);
cResult1 = DUALADC8_cGetData1();
cResult2 = DUALADC8_cGetData2ClearFlag();
if ((cResult1_prev-cResult1)> 20 ||(cResult1-cResult1_prev) > 20)
abMouseData[1] = 0x01;
else if ((cResult1_prev-cResult1)<> 20 ||(cResult2-cResult2_prev) > 20)
abMouseData[2] = 0x01;
else if ((cResult2_prev-cResult2)< style="text-align: justify;">Here in this code the mouse x and y motions are mimicked by using 2 potentiometers.The PSoC core reads the ADC (8bit)continuously and sends the conditioned value to the PSoC core for processing and sending the required data to the system. The required value is sent through the USB interface.The PRT0DR is the port 0 data register.where the data read from the input ports of the PSoC is stored. The abMouseData is an array which is actually called the report descriptor by software guys who code for this complex USB HID device.The format for the USB HID mouse is given below