Sunday, January 27, 2008

Programming the PIC in C/PIC C

First thing is to find a help file located anywhere in the compiler development environment .Then we have to understand the basic data types .Then the most important part in pic C programming is to understand the built-in functions and the port directives like" poke "in PICbasic .Then we have to write the code in the development environment,including the basic header files .For example in case of the picc compiler we may be including the "16f877.h",if we are using the 877 pic of the 16f series.but there is no such option in micro c as well,instead it requires some project file initialization i think!!
For the demonstration purpose i have written a code to make pinA0 high if pinB0 is high and then push pinA1 low.Else if the pinB0is low the pinA0must be 0 and pinA1must be 1. During this time the pinC0 will blink with a delay of 500ms
the code is given below

Saturday, January 26, 2008

PSoC A New Way to Design

PSoC = Programmable System On Chip
PSoC is a configurable mixed signal array with an on board controller.
Pre-configured and Pre-characterized Digital
and Analog PSoC Blocks

Analogous to On-chip Peripherals
ADC’s, DAC’s, PGA’s, Filters
Timers, Counters, PWM’s

Defines the Register Bits for Initial Configuration
Selected via Double Click in IDE

User Modules Include
Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs)
Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs)
Specific UM Data Sheets
Analog user modules
ADCINC Incremental 6 – 14 bits
DELSIG Delta Sigma 6 – 13 bits
6, 8, and 9-bit
6 and 8 bit multiplying
2-pole Low-pass filter
2-pole Band-pass filter
Programmable Gain Amplifier
Instrumentation Amplifier
Inverting Amplifier
Programmable Threshold Comparator
DTMF Dialer
Digital user Modules
8, 16, 24, 32-bit Timer
8, 16, 24, 32-bit Counter
8, 16-bit PWM
8, 16-bit Dead Band Generator (2 Phase Underlapped Clock)
Pseudo Random Source (PRS)
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Generator
I2C Master
I2C Slave
SPI Master
SPI Slave
Full Duplex UART
Full Speed USB V2.0
Integrated Development Environment
A successful, programmable SoC requires great integrated development environment

LG-KV5900 Wireless Handset
CapSense by PSoC

Capsense technology is a hallmark of Cypress,Which deals with the sensing of capacitance to find the results .Most of the touch buttons can be made capsense.The advantage is that a phone using this capsense wont require an external lock for the keypad or a program .It senses only the human touch

With the invention of these PSoCs the world has changed into a program where the hardware abstraction is done through some techniques and the whole hardware things are solved as programs tobr written on a PSoC.This is due to its large numberof analog and digital integration.
For more informations goto Cypress

Friday, January 11, 2008

Serially Interfaced, 8-Digit LED Display Drivers

Its a gr8 ic that includes itself from the pwm brightness controll cktry to the scanner ckt.
The ic minimizes the requrement of the decoder ckt and the counter for the led lighting
dispaly that is explained earlier in my blog.Also there is a internal PWM generator with
several registers for the controll of the whole ic .The register format is given below
We can write the corresponding data in to this registers to controll various operations .
For example if we have to contoll the brightness of the led array use some data between x0to xf.
the pwm is done in odd steps from dutycycle 1/32 to 31/32 hence a total of 16 brightness steps are possible.
The whole array can be divided into 2 namely seg(+)(8)lines and digit(-)(8)lines intersecting at the required points where we place the led or the intersection point is the led junction.
Led driver maximum current can be fixed by the external resistance Rset !<10kohm,
for more information abt the project clickhere